Become a Holistic Health Coach

There is a major problem with the way our society views and treats illness and health. Health is the basis of our existence and somehow after inhabiting the earth for around six million years, our health has been rapidly declining despite the technological advances and discoveries. With all our fancy medical instruments and expensive educations, we haven’t figured out how to cure and treat major diseases that have sprung up in recent decades.

The number one killers in the world are lifestyle related diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Most can be treated, prevented, and reversed with simple changes in diet and lifestyle. Many doctors don’t get adequate nutrition education while they are in school and don’t understand the importance of diet.

I understood this issue way back in 2017 when I decided to enroll in Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I was learning the importance of diet and exercise and how much of an impact they make on our bodies. I was taking in all the information on preventive medicine, how much our minds control our health, and how I can personally make an impact on the health of the world by sharing this information with people who need it most.


Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is one of the most innovative schools in the world and is not only working to improve the health of their students but the whole world. IIN is a community working to reverse the health crisis. There are over 100,000 students and graduates in over 150 countries around the world who are creating a health revolution.

Become one of my clients Here

Study over 100 different dietary theories and learn from world renowned nutritionist, doctors, and coaches. Everything is online and can be done on your schedule anytime, anywhere. It’s a 12 month education but you can start seeing clients at six months. You are given all the tools and step-by-step training you need to start seeing clients while you’re still in school. Plus they set you up with everything you need to start your own biz. All the documentation, health histories, a free trial to build a website, and even free business cards. Just to give you a push in the right direction.

To get a taste of what it’s like studying at IIN, here’s a free sample class to check out.

This is a quote from an IIN lecture that has stuck with me:

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it”

This quote is what really got me thinking about who I want to be and why I want to do it. It was so hard for me to break out of the traditional career cycle and find what I truly love and what drives me. I am so thankful to be embarking on this career path and I hope you will join me. There are so many benefits to doing what you love.

A career in health + wellness is one of the most rewarding fields to go into because it will not only transform your life, but your friends and family, and strangers if you wish to share what you’ve learned. You are able to reach so many people and touch so many lives with this career which makes it so rewarding.

If you are interested in transforming your life, profession, or school and pursuing a career in holistic health coaching, or would like to learn more about IIN, drop me line below or click the button below.

I work with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as an enrollment ambassador and help new students from around the world sign up for IIN and complete their own Health Coaching Certification. You can use my name, "Jane Olivia Jacobs" during enrollment and registration and receive a $1,000 -$1,500 savings off of your total tuition at IIN. 

Fill out this form for more info


“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”

-A.J. Reb Materi